Check out our #cellfie competition winners and creative entries

Check out our #cellfie competition winners and creative entries

With three Samsung Galaxy S10 mobile phones up for grabs, hundreds of Kiwis dug out their old mobile phones and posed them for #cellfies.  These #cellfies (photos of cellphones) were posted on Facebook and Instagram throughout October to be counted as entries in our...
Eliza has a golden opportunity for you

Eliza has a golden opportunity for you

Rio Olympic Games medallist Eliza McCartney is no ordinary person, but she has a very ordinary problem – what to do with her old mobile phones? Eliza admits that until recently her old mobile phones have been sitting at home in a drawer because she didn’t know what to...
What to do with your old mobile phone

What to do with your old mobile phone

How many old mobile phones do you have lying around at home? Sixty-nine percent of New Zealand households say they have at least one unconnected mobile phone. This means there is more than 1,217,919 unconnected mobile phones gathering dust in drawers and cupboards in...
Why throwing your mobile phone in the rubbish is dangerous

Why throwing your mobile phone in the rubbish is dangerous

Our mobile phones are very precious to us. They are usually always within arms-reach and many of us would panic if we accidentally left the house without it. That’s until we get a new phone. The moment we get a new phone, our old one becomes unwanted. Most of us don’t...
How your mobile phone can help save New Zealand’s waterways

How your mobile phone can help save New Zealand’s waterways

Your old mobile phone may not be valuable to you, but it is to Sustainable Coastlines. Us Kiwis love our water – we love catching waves at the beach, skiing on the lake and popping manus into the river – so it is vital that we protect our water so it is remains...