RE:MOBILE phone collection results

Daily collection
Mobile phones are being collected every day by RE:MOBILE across New Zealand.
Over 862,628 mobile phones
Our most recent tally showed that over 862,628 mobile phones have been collected for reuse or recycling by RE:MOBILE since 2014.
149.9 tonnes of waste diverted
That’s 149.9 tonnes of handsets that have been saved from landfill.
That’s 323 tonnes of carbon dioxide that have been prevented from entering the atmosphere.
Over $231,773 raised
These phones have raised over $231,773 for Sustainable Coastlines which has helped them remove more than 1.7 million litres of litter from coastlines across Aotearoa!
You can help!
Help us recycle more mobile phones by donating your phone to RE:MOBILE now.
Average weight of mobile phone = 179.3g. Click here for source
Source for environmental benefit calculation: Mobile Muster
Click here to view a summary of quarterly results